Theory to Action

Theory to Action
As professors at Light University Online, during our journey of each new term, we receive an onslaught of emails and posts from students about how the courses have been insightful, thought-provoking and even life-changing. Almost all of our students are genuinely excited and challenged by the video content, peer interaction and the new insights offered throughout each class. Having the privilege of listening to some of the founders and pioneers of Christian counseling and Christian coaching will, almost inevitably, have such an effect. Many of our students will leave the classroom environment having been changed through the learning process that we offer at LightU.
For many of our students, we are only able to get to know them for between 5 weeks to 5 months of their lives, depending on their course of study and the pace at which they progress. During our time with them, as professors, we want to be able to make the most impact, within that small timeframe that we have, to help shape and potentially set a new direction for their lives.
In the classroom environment, the discussion forums are incredibly healthy places of learning and encouragement, where many students can sharpen one another as Scripture commands us to do. Sometimes though, we can’t help but wonder, “What becomes of these great new insights?” Our greatest hope is that students move the information they’ve gathered from theory into practice! In the words of the poet Ralph Emerson, “an ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.”
The question we’d like to encourage you to think about is, “How can I do that practically?” Those of you who work in the counseling or coaching ministry know how frustrating it can be when a client agrees with all your advice but fails to follow through with it. As Christmas and the New Year approaches, there is never a better time to think about making a resolution or deciding to do something differently than you have ever done before. Our challenge to you is the notion that you will never be able to take a client to a place that you yourself have not been willing to walk through. If you are not willing to take practical steps to apply the theory you learn, how can you lead someone through their own trials and hardships toward growth and change?
In most professions, it is known that the more you learn, the more you can do; however, counseling and coaching both break that mold by saying, the more you do, or grow personally, the more you can help others. Gaining insight and learning theories are vital tools to becoming an effective counselor or coach, but at Light University, we do not want to just teach you about how people change; we want to change you.
Ryan Carboneau & Aris Stavrianos
Light University Professors