Keys To Becoming A Successful Online Learner
![Keys To Becoming A Successful Online Learner Keys To Becoming A Successful Online Learner](
I run across both prospective and existing students every semester at Light University Online who actually fear the idea of using a computer. If you are one of those students — don’t worry! You will be surprised at the basic level of computer skill that is necessary for most online programs. Here are few of the basic skills:
- You should be somewhat proficient at using email.
- You need a basic understanding of Microsoft Word so you can successfully complete any required written work.
- How to open, create and save files is another important aspect of virtual classroom literacy. This might also include uploading or downloading files.
- Make yourself familiar with your school’s learning management software. This software is the platform for course
delivery. Components might include discussion boards, chat rooms, learning modules, and tests.
A couple pieces of advice include:
- If you are still have “cold sweats” about using a computer to navigate the virtual classroom, try to find a tutorial that can help ease some of that anxiety. Visit your local Best Buy or go to to see what is on their shelves. I have found that Keystone Learning ( is one of the most comprehensive computer-based training libraries out there.
- Make sure that you are comfortable with your school’s learning management software. Most schools, including Light University Online, offer online tutorials which walk you through the various features and benefits and teach you basic navigation. At Light U, we even allow our students to navigate in and around a makeshift class. Make sure that, if this is
available to you, you take full advantage of it. If you are still not comfortable, ask an enrollment counselor to walk you through some type of demonstration.
About The Author
Shaun Redgate is Vice President of Enrollment Management at Light University Online. He has been in distance and online learning for 25 years and has seen this industry evolve from its humble beginnings to where it is today. He is widely recognized as a leading expert in his field. He has witnessed firsthand, as a student, faculty and in various administrative roles, how online learning changes lives. Shaun holds his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Liberty University.
Read MoreDo Not Disturb — Online Learning Taking Place
![Do Not Disturb — Online Learning Taking Place Do Not Disturb — Online Learning Taking Place](
With a growing student population from 44 states and 10 countries currently enrolled at Light University Online, many of whom are new to online learning, our team of enrollment coaches is seeing an increase in the number of questions about time management, and how to be successful in the online classroom. It is not an easy question to answer since each learner is different.
When I have been asked about how to be successful in the online classroom, I often start with what online students, in general, struggle with the most – DISTRACTIONS. My advice is simple — find your best available time and place and make those your “personal” college classroom.
If you are still finding that unexpected interruptions or unusual settings make consistent study patterns difficult do not panic. Do the little things that can pay big dividends — fully engage during your personal classroom time(s), place something on your computer or at your study area that remind you of your long-term educational goals, and use aides to help you focus – (e.g. “Do Not Disturb –Learning Taking Place” sign in your study.)
Read MoreLife and Times of The Abundant Life Coach
![Life and Times of The Abundant Life Coach Life and Times of The Abundant Life Coach](
Aya Fubara Eneli, M.A., J.D.
Earlier this week, an acquaintance asked me, “Who coaches the coach?” A simple question; but one that I pondered carefully before I answered. Who coaches me? Why is it so important that a coach has a coach? His question conjured up images and stories of people in high places who had taken great falls because (in my opinion) they no longer sought out or heeded wise counsel. They did not submit themselves to be coached by a person or persons of wisdom.
I thought of all the times I had been too lazy, too cheap, too arrogant, too scared, to confident, too disorganized, too depressed to seek wisdom in my affairs; I crashed and burned each time. It is as a result of all the lessons learned the hard way, coupled with my desire to be the best I was called to be for Christ, that I have committed to always submitting myself to be coached by persons or persons God leads me to.
The decision to be coachable and be coached is particularly important for people who are making in a difference in the lives of others and can be lulled into sin by a false sense that their skills alone are bringing them the success they see in the lives of the people they touch. A few days ago, I had my first sessions with two clients. It was such a rewarding and honestly a heady experience. I mean, God showed up in his glory and I had an insight and clarity into their lives that was surreal. I remember hearing questions come out of my mouth and I actually looked around to see who was feeding me lines! One client was so moved that she had uncovered the source of the biggest stressor in her life, she couldn’t stop crying. I had God-bumps as Shannon Ethridge would say. Those kinds of experiences, while wonderful, can easily lead to a false sense of self. I have chosen to surround myself with people whom I have permitted to always keep me grounded.
I thank God for my coach, Dwight Bain, who is also on the faculty at Light University Online. I thank God for my parents who were my first coaches and continue to positively influence me today. I am fortunate to have mentors such as Pastor Gary Grogan who reaches out to me and makes out time to teach me and reveal biblical truths about specific situations in my life. I thank God for my training at Light University Online. I still refer to my class notes and am excited at continuing my training there. I am so blessed to have a husband who is not only a wise man of God, he is also a certified Health Coach and he often lends insights where I have blind spots.
Are you a coach? Who coaches you? Who speaks into your life and helps guide you to become more of who God wants you to be? Are you still buying into all the reasons why you don’t have and will not have a coach anytime soon? Well, ponder this: How can you lead a person where you have not been and are unwilling to go?
Of course, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the ultimate coaches. However, God often speaks to us through fellow men; consider David and Samuel, Ruth and Naomi, Joshua and Moses, Timothy and Paul, the list goes one. The greatest coaches have coaches. The most successful people work with coaches. Get a coach!
Aya Fubara Eneli is a best-selling author, Christian Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Attorney, and Life Coaching student at Light University Online. Her life’s purpose is to empower and equip people to live up to their highest potential. For more information on her seminars, coaching or to book her for your next event, visit, or e-mail her at
Read More5 Reasons To Choose Light University Online Christian Counseling Courses
![5 Reasons To Choose Light University Online Christian Counseling Courses 5 Reasons To Choose Light University Online Christian Counseling Courses](
Five Reasons to Choose Light University’s Online Christian Counseling Courses
Choosing the right online university for Christian counseling courses can be difficult for anyone. As a faculty of Light University, I have been very impressed with the quality and value that our courses can offer students. Below are five reasons why I believe that Light University is a great choice for any student looking to get Christian based training online.
1. Quality Instruction From Top Experts
Light University Online is blessed with some of the most prominent Christian counselors and writers of today. When I first began facilitating courses at Light University I was pleasantly surprised to see a lecture hosted by one of my former professors. I remember being incredibly impressed by his teaching while studying at a top graduate Christian counseling program. I am delighted to see that Light University Online is committed to providing the absolute best in online Christian counseling courses. This expert instruction of the highest quality, and is offered at an incredible value.
From university deans to best-selling authors and accomplished public speakers, Light University Online has the best of the best. Take a look at the faculty page to learn more. You will be pleasantly surprised with what you see!
2. A Flexible, Engaging Format
With five-week courses and 24-hour online classroom access, the flexibility offered through Light University Online is unparalleled. Courses last long enough to engage the student and provide the opportunity for in-depth discussion, but are short enough to allow for a faster progression through the program. The format allows new students to start every five weeks, so there is no waiting around for a specified annual start date.
In addition to flexibility and convenience, the online format allows students to experience the course materials in an engaging way. Pre-loaded video lectures from the expert faculty allow teaching to be presented directly to the learner. This offers even more flexibility than a DVD curriculum, as the entire collection of the course’s lectures is housed online. These lectures engage the student and foster deep online discussion within the student body.
3. A Highly Engaged Student Body
Through years of involvement in higher education, I have had the privilege to encounter many students through my roles in administration, instruction, and as a student myself. While I value all of the students I have come in contact with, I have found something special in the Light University Online community. A learning community that is fueled by a desire to learn and a love for God is bound to set itself apart, and that is exactly what I see in the LUO community.
The student body of Light University Online has a unique makeup of students with varying educational levels and professional backgrounds. Bound together by a Christian worldview and appreciation for God’s truth, the student body engages in thoughtful and heartfelt discussions based on detailed course material.
At Light University Online, every student is welcomed with open arms into the rich learning community regardless of educational or professional experience. As someone with experience teaching for multiple institutions, I can honestly say that Light University students are top-tier students.
4. Affordability
While maintaining extremely high standards for quality education, Light University Online is still able to keep its online Christian counseling courses highly affordable and accessible. Comparable programs cost much more than Light University Online. Remember the professor I mentioned earlier in the post? It cost me over three and a half times what a Light University Online student would pay to be under his instruction at my former school!
5. Uniquely Christian Focus
“What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?” Tertullian’s question of the compatibility of Christianity and scholarship still applies today. While the Christian faith and psychological principles have a somewhat sordid past, each area of knowledge represents a portion of God’s revelation to man. Psychology and counseling, like all forms of knowledge, belong to God. Therefore, the best way to study and utilize this knowledge is through a Christian perspective. Light University Online offers this perspective, exploring the wisdom of the helping and healing profession while removing the dross of the secular bias. The instruction at Light University Online can provide a foundation for someone newly interested in people-helping, or it can help a studied and experienced counselor to deepen spiritual roots or learn the Christian truth ignored by a secular training program.
Additionally, an education from a Christian perspective offers more than head knowledge. Light University Online aims to foster spiritual transformation and exhortation for its students, helping them to develop not only in knowledge, but in character and relationship with Christ Jesus.
If your goal is to develop professionally from a Christian worldview, Light University Online is the place for you.
Light University Online is a truly special place. From the flexible, convenient format to the best-of-the-best in instructors, Light University Online excels in helping you to help others. If you have not already, I want to personally invite you to come join a community of believers committed to Christ and brought together.
About the Author
Kevin Van Wynsberg is Light University Online course facilitator, and has years of experience in online education as a student, professor, and administrator at various institutions. He currently holds a Master of Arts in Professional Counseling from Liberty University, and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Counseling, also from Liberty. Kevin also works as a counselor at an outpatient Christian counseling agency. Kevin believes in both counseling and education as powerful mediums for advancing the cause of Christ.
Read MoreWhat Exactly is “Advent”?
![What Exactly is “Advent”? What Exactly is “Advent”?](
The Incarnation and the Season of Advent
So what exactly is “advent”?
Well, it’s probably best to begin by talking a little about the Incarnation and what that has done to the world in which we live. When God entered into the world that he created, everything changed. Everything. Just allow your imagination to run with this for a moment. The Creator himself enters into his creation which he spoke into existence, now not only as Creator (still that), but as a member—the “firstborn” of all creation. Christ is the beginning of a new creative work that God is doing. In the beginning God created all there is, but that creation in its frailty went wrong. Creation began moving, with humankind at its helm, right back into nothingness from which it was created at the first. Man, even in his innocent state, proved intrinsically weak, and therefore unable to perform that which God desired of him. So what was to be done? Destroy God’s work? Leave one righteous man and his family to start over again after a catastrophic flood wiped away an incessantly wicked humanity? Even that re-creation proved of no avail. Man’s flesh is simply intrinsically weak. Once again, we end up with a man in a garden, drunk and naked, followed by a curse. As they say, history repeats itself.
So how will God’s purposes in creation be established and finally fulfilled? There is only one way if annihilation is to be avoided: the Incarnation. There has always only ever been one way, the Man Christ Jesus. And it is at that moment—that appointed moment in time when the universe is altered—permanently. There can be no going back. The infant in the manger is not merely an addition to the created order, or, plan B—he is the inauguration of a New Day, a New Creation, in which all the old creation will finally be reworked and made right, and finally brought to completion (which it has never reached). The infant in the manger is the dawning of a New Age, the “self-same Word” who spoke it all into existence has now taken bodily form, descending down—down—down until he gets to the bottom of things, and then like a tender shoot, sprouting forth as the first Life, the first living tree in a barren, deserted wasteland. The waters part, dry ground appears, and God walks once again with man in the Land of Promise.
Is all this just the language of poetry? Is it mere metaphor? Just symbols speaking of a “spiritual” reality that doesn’t quite reach into our normal, physical world? Hardly so—and thanks be to God! The very nature of the Incarnation, God becoming Man, requires that the physical universe, humankind and all nature, be touched to their very core—the very depths of their essence remade—transfigured. Listen! The very Creator from whose power nothing and the absence of existence took body, shape, and breathed has now entered into it. And the Apostle Paul tells us he’s done so to the end that he might “fill all things”. He’s not just looking to make repairs, he’s tearing down the strongholds and leveling the kingdoms of this passing age to rebuild from the ground up, himself, the very cornerstone, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, the church being built upon them and upon him into a Holy Temple which will house He who is everywhere present, but whose fullness is contained only in the Man, Christ Jesus. The infant in the manger.
This is the reality that you and I live in, church. And I would venture a guess that most of us move through each day, week, month and even year, hardly attuned to such a magnificent song. Let’s face it, the constraints and demands of society pull us in every direction, so it’s easy to forget.
Enter Advent.
Actually, it would be more accurate to talk about Advent being part of a larger gift handed down to us from Christian brothers and sisters of long ago. Over time, and not long after Jesus’ first advent and life during the first century, Christians began establishing landmarks throughout the year upon which they would remember important and essential hallmarks of their faith. (A common thing for human beings, and we need go no further than our Old Testament to see examples of it.) We still have vestiges of it in our own calendar, the most obvious examples being Christmas and Easter. These holidays (or, “holy days”) are part of a fuller calendar established by Christians from very early times. It is patterned on the life of Jesus. It begins with “Advent”, the expectation of the Christ-child, it then moves to the season of Christmas (You’ve heard of the Twelve Days of Christmas? Well, here’s where that came from.). From there it moves to the season of Epiphany, Christ’s appearances, from his manifestation (“epiphany”) at his baptism to his presentation in the temple as a boy, and other important appearances which span a few years of his life in the gospels. From there it moves to the pre-Easter season, which has historically come to be called Lent. It is a time of intensity as we remember the road Christ traveled to the cross. Luke says, “he set his face toward Jerusalem”, and so as we remember what he endured on our behalf, we take time to reflect on our lives, to repent of sin, and to prepare our hearts for the death, burial, and (thanks be to God!) the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a season of “bright sadness”, the light growing ever-darker until the sun is blackened out and it seems all hope is lost in the grave, but suddenly bursting forth in light as the year climaxes in the celebration of the resurrection! Following Easter is the season of Pentecost, and following that is what has been called, “ordinary time”. The cycle begins again four weeks before Christmas, the season of Advent.
Of course, this “Christian Calendar” is not an essential aspect of the faith in the sense that if you do not follow it you’ll be a bad Christian. This is by no means the case. But—(there is a, ‘but’)—a good Christian will certainly strive to “make the best use of the time, because the days are evil”. And in doing so it is not uncommon for Christians to set up their own patterns and practices to follow. The challenge is coming up with how to structure one’s life according to the gospel of Christ, and then comes the additional challenge of maintaining those practices and patterns as an individual. And so, many Christians have found that this ready-made structure handed to us from Christian brothers and sisters of bygone ages (who are still alive, by the way) is helpful. It is a way for them to move to a different rhythm than the one our culture and society sets for us—or more accurately, demands of us. You see, there is a collective wisdom of centuries of people who have lived godly lives, having walked closely with Christ, and that collective wisdom has been accumulated over time, and put into developing a yearly cycle that will help Christians to be conformed to the image of Christ by ordering their lives according to the pattern of his as demonstrated in the gospel accounts. So when the rest of the world begins their year in January, we begin with eager anticipation of the arrival of God on planet earth, in the humble form of a servant.
And this is the value of Advent. It helps us begin our year by examining our lives. By preparing for the coming of the Christ-child, upon whose shoulders the government and all the Kingdoms of the earth shall rest. It reminds us that we are always in need of a Savior. It helps us enter into a different orientation of time, it helps us redeem the time. And why? Because as we said at the beginning, the Incarnation changes everything. Time and history hinge on that appointed moment in history. Creation knows when her Creator has entered her. Stars change their course. Rulers fear their thrones will be cast down and overturned. Angelic messengers carry glad tidings of immense joy for all people with great speed, trumpeting their gospel with shouts of acclamation to the humble and poor, and suddenly, the night sky is peopled with a multitude of heavenly host singing, “Gloria!”. The womb of a virgin is inhabited with a child, in whom all the fullness of God dwells. The Creator-Child grows, and coming up from the waters of baptism the skies part, the Spirit descends, and a voice from heaven proclaims the Divine Pleasure over his Son. Water is turned to wine. Thousands are fed with a few loaves of bread and fish. Sickness and disease are healed, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, the blind see. Fig trees wither at his word. The torrential waves of the sea and mighty gale are calmed at his voice. “Thus far shall you come and no further!” A man walks on water just as his Master did, as though on dry ground. Demons bow before their Maker in fear that the time of their rebellion has come to an end. They know who he is. Tombs are emptied and the dead come to life. The sky is blackened at his death, the heavens threaten to fall into the deep sea as the earth is shaken in its heart and tombs crack, dead men walking out of their graves. And as he is raised to life, he brings Adam’s race up from the grave with him; the firstfruits of a New Creation spring forth in glorious and eternal Day.
Yes, the universe has been altered. Time itself has been redeemed, and creation waits with eager longing the revelation of the sons of God. The question? How do we live in this knowledge? How do we remember, not only with our minds, but with all our being? How do we enter in? Well friends, we are in, if we are in Christ. But if we are in Christ, we are part of a New Creative work of which he is the first. Our world has been altered along with that of the universe, and when he comes, we should not be found sleeping. We should be found as those who have cast off the works of darkness, having put on the armor of light—Christ himself. We should be found as those who imitate young Mary and respond to these holy mysteries, “Behold, the servant of the Lord. Be it unto me according to thy word.” We should be found ready, having walked the path of repentance which leads to purity of heart, whose eyes will look upon their Maker. Brothers and sisters, something will shape your day, your year, your life. You will be conformed to some pattern, pressed and squeezed into some mold—that is decided. It is part of being human and living in this world. But one way or another, the Christians’ world must be transformed. Here is a proven path which remains a gift for those who desire it.
Read MoreCoaching Couples to Strong Marriages
![Coaching Couples to Strong Marriages Coaching Couples to Strong Marriages](
Marriage is being attacked more than ever before in America. There are more counts of single parent households, of cohabitation, and higher rates of divorce in American society than ever before. According to the US Census Bureau, the average divorce rate is currently sitting at 51.2% in American households. Broken down by region, divorce rates are highest in the South, sitting at approximately 54.8%, Midwest at 52.1%, Northeast 48.4%, and in the West 47%. One of the things to remember with these stats is the South also has the highest rate of marriage and the Northeast has the lowest rate.
Many people are now teaching that marriage is an outdated, unnecessary process in couples’ lives nowadays. However, they are able to maintain a good household by having cohabitation or living without being married. The State of our Unions Marriage in America 2010 report put together by “National Marriage Project out of University of Virginia and Center for Marriage and Family is at the Institute for America Values” shows the rate of cohabitation between couples between the years 1960 and 2009, In 1960 cohabitation was less than a half million couples, in 2000 it was at 3.882 million couples, and 2009, nearly double that rate at 6.661 million couples. So, questions I have are, “Why is it that marriage rates are going down? Cohabitation is on the rise?” According to the Census Bureau, only 62% of children in America today live with both parents. It is astonishing that 25 to 60 year old married couples attending church is dropped from 40% in the 1970’s to only 28% in the 2000’s. Another aspect that leads to lower rates of marriage and higher divorces seem to be poverty. Other factors that come in to play for marriages are finances, education, infertility, parenting, and family.
As Christian life coaches, we know the importance of marriage to God. We need to be the ones on the front line help focus these couples not only want to marry want to stay married forever. So what is it that we need to do as the ones that are working with these couples on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis?
1. We need to work with them in order to see their focus changed from the world to God
2. We should give couples Scripture verses that show the various aspects of marriage
3. They need be able to take arguments and turn them into discussions.
Arguments = fights = winners and losers = no solutions
Discussions = both sides being heard = understanding = both sides win
The more communication both husband and wife have with each other the stronger they become as parents. The more they pray and attend church together the stronger their relationship with God will become. This will help them be more committed to each other, as well as any children they may have.
As coaches, it is a blessing when we are able to work with any couple that is looking to become married. We have the tools to be able to give them the right path so that they can have the strong abundant life says a married couple. The greatest gift we can give any of them is the Scriptures. We can be the ones that come alongside the couples that are already married and help them put a plan in place that will effectively make them know where they want to go in their marriage, how they want to serve the Lord, how they want to parent their children, and how they want to grow old together.
Each couple will have different needs, and it will be important to allow them to set their own personal goals for the marriage. Just like in other coaching types, we can set a plan of action in place to make each growth step possible. The ultimate result should be that the couple becomes one in everything they do. Fill your coaching library with material that can help relate to couples needs, and keep up on marriage trends.
All in all, as Christian life coaches we can be the catalyst to help married couples which will bring them together now as God wants, and help build marriage. I pray that God grows in each of your hearts to help couples and that He sends them to you. Don’t forget that you have been given a special calling by God to be a Christian Life Coach, and I believe in you.
Michael Gage is a twelve year cancer survivor, certified Life Coach and founder of Narrow Path Seekers. He is currently a student at Light University Online in the Life Coaching Advanced Diploma program. His practice focuses on Marriage, Cancer, Leadership, Hope, and Spiritual Development coaching.