Everyone Deserves Someone Who’s Crazy About Them

“Every child, in every church, deserves someone
who’s crazy about them…”
By Dr. John Trent and Dr. Tony Wheeler
We were sitting down with Dr. Tim Clinton, President of AACC, at breakfast not long ago and it just “clicked.” Dr. Tony Wheeler and I shared while he ate, our heart for training and unleashing an “army” of Blessing Champions. People excited to impact lives for Christ. People in every city, every church. People who start by bringing the Blessing home to their own family first. Then who become a catalyst for training, coaching and inspiration for people and parents in their church, their workplace and world.
When we’d finished sharing our hearts, Tim sat back and said, “And here’s WHY we have to do this. Every child, in every church, deserves someone who’s crazy about them…” Wow. There are those moments where it just seems like time and eternity meets. Sometimes I’ve felt that way at a wedding. Other times I’ve felt like the Lord just dropped His thoughts into a counseling session, a sermon, in teaching a class. But I cannot remember a breakfast in my life, where time just seemed to stand still.
WHY have Dr. Wheeler and I jumped in with both feet with Light University Online and worked so hard to launch a brand new Marriage and Family Ministry Certificate program? Because by training God’s people, grounded in the biblical concept of the Blessing, “Every child, in every church, will have someone who’s crazy about them…”
WHY challenge men and women, people of all ages and stages of life, to become Blessing Champions? Because these people already know how crucial it is in our disconnected, attachment disordered world, that “Every child, in every church, deserves someone who’s crazy about them…” if at this crucial time for our country and world, we’re to impact the next generation for Christ.
And WHAT’s holding you back from creating a culture of the Blessing in your family, church and world? The Blessing is a biblical tool that helps kids – and spouses – and people in our churches – really “get” how “crazy” our God is about them, as they see and experience our living our God’s Blessing with them.
Know that Dr. Wheeler and I will walk with you each step of the way is you’ll join us. Whether it’s getting your Blessing Champion Certificate that launches THIS AUGUST, or by completing the entire Marriage and Family Ministry Certificate program we’re building right now. And know that in my mind, all we do will always go back to that table at breakfast – and hearing a wise man “nail” the WHY we’re so “crazy” about training and encouraging Blessing Champions – because “every child, in every church, deserves someone who’s crazy about them…”