Pastor Tommy Lanham

I began training to be a Life Coach in 2005. Light University Online did not exist then so I found what I considered my best option. When I found out about Light University Online I immediately signed up for additional Life Coaching classes. My experience has been phenomenal! I love the interaction I have with other students in the discussion forums. I learn as much from my fellow students as I learn from the actual class. The classes are very informative and helpful as I continue to grow and develop as a Life Coach. Also, The interaction with the professor in the discussion forums is beneficial as well. They encourage me to dig deeper, beyond the easy answers, into the heart of the issue.
I presently run a coaching ministry called THE CLIMB and Light University Online gives me the flexibility to do that, Lead Pastor a church and spend time with my family. I do not have to be in a classroom at a certain time each week. My classroom is anywhere I take my laptop which is very convenient. When I am traveling I do not have to miss a class and then have to make up my work. I simply bring it with me.
One of the greatest things about Light University Online is the teaching is solidly biblical. Often times in our assignments we are asked to support are answers biblically which helps me to look at my coaching from a biblical perspective. When I am working with clients I am better equipped to use the proper Bible passages to help my clients climb to their God- given potential. I would encourage anyone who wants biblical, in-depth training as a Christian Life Coach to enroll in Light University Online.
Pastor Tommy Lanham/The Climb